Posts tagged #Retreat
Elevate Your Board or Staff Team With a Dynamic Retreat

When I facilitate a #nonprofit #Board or staff retreat, I focus on 3 key goals -- to inform, to engage, and to inspire those who attend. It is truly one of the most rewarding and enjoyable areas of my work. When planned thoughtfully and executed well, a Board retreat can be a key step in transforming or elevating a team. Check out the article below for some additional tips. If your Board or staff would benefit from this experience, let's connect!

Engaging Board Members at a Retreat

A #Board retreat is an opportunity to reconnect to the mission and vision, evaluate progress, and set priorities for Board engagement.

Spent an outstanding day yesterday facilitating the retreat for the talented Board #leaders of University Club Louisville.

If your Board would benefit from an engaging and interactive retreat, please reach out!

#nonprofit #impact #Retreat #VisionToReality

UofL Club Board Photo.jpg