The Impact of a Volunteer
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Last night, I had the privilege of attending the WLKY Bell Awards, which recognize individuals who have made a tremendous impact on the community through a spirit of selfless service. Throughout the evening, I heard stories of individuals who profoundly and positively affected the lives of others through their #volunteer service.

Learning about these remarkable individuals reminded me that the brilliance of the #nonprofit sector derives in large part from the talent and passion of those who give of themselves to address the most challenging and entrenched issues our communities face. A recent study showed that volunteers contributed over 8 billion hours of service annually, equivalent to over 5 million full-time jobs and $179 billion.

We all think of volunteers serving food at our community's soup kitchens, or staffing a booth at a community resource fair. However, it is easy to forget the countless other ways volunteers impact our #nonprofits. Most #Board members are volunteers for example, giving of their time and talent to elevate the #governance and #sustainability of organizations. Likewise, for many smaller nonprofits, their Executive Director or program providers may be volunteers.

While #nonprofits benefit greatly from these dedicated individuals, managing volunteers is often the most challenging aspect of nonprofit leadership. Maintaining the passion and engagement of volunteers -- whether Board members or program workers -- is vitally important to the success of nonprofit organizations. As a consultant and trainer, it is so rewarding to help a Board grasp the impact they can make through their service and embrace their pivotal role in the success of an organization.

I congratulate those who received Bell Awards last night, along with all those who were nominated. I also extend a heartfelt thanks to the thousands of volunteers across the country who elevate the places we call home.

Fundraising and Board Governance Oh My!

It has been a busy past couple of weeks!

First, I spent a fantastic evening with the #Board of Alley Cat Advocates discussing how to more effectively engage #nonprofit Board members in #fundraising. This was the rollout of my new workshop entitled “Engaged Board, Effective Fundraising.” What a great team with big things ahead!

Then I headed down to Alpharetta, Georgia where I presented a seminar on Building a Dynamic #Nonprofit #Board with LawPracticeCLE.

If your #nonprofit is eager to take the next steps in translating vision into reality, let’s talk!

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Gregory NielsenComment
When Was Your Last Staff Retreat?

I just finished reading the article linked below and it got me thinking about the best and worst staff retreat experiences I have had -- and there have been a few of both!  :) 

A nonprofit staff retreat can be a great way to bring your team together, inspire generative or strategic thinking, and re-energize as a group. Has it been a while since your last staff retreat? If so, please reach out and let's chat about how to plan a thoughtful gathering for you and your team.

The Case for General Operating Support

General operating support grants allow nonprofits to target resources where they are most needed and will be most impactful. Lots of great info in this article from a foundation that has learned that general operating support grants enhance effectiveness and impact while building deeper relationships. 

“Now that every one of our grants is for general operating support, we see the depth in which we are able to learn from our grantees. We also see the successes that come when organizations feel trusted and have the flexibility to make decisions on how to best fulfill their mission at any given time.“

A New Chapter!
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Dear Friends,

Working hands-on with nonprofit leaders and organizations has always been my passion, which is why I am excited to share with you that I have established Nielsen Training & Consulting, LLC -- offering custom training and consulting services that empower nonprofit organizations to translate vision into reality.

As a former nonprofit CEO with over a decade of executive experience, and a licensed attorney, I understand the challenges of nonprofit leadership.  Therefore, I customize training and consulting approaches that reflect this experience.  Nielsen Training & Consulting is focused around a core mission to build the capacity and impact of nonprofits, locally and nationally, through customized training and consulting services, including:
•    Meeting/Retreat Facilitation
•    Strategic and Business Planning
•    Organizational and Board Development
•    Leadership Transition/Succession
•    Custom Workshops
•    Keynote and Public Speaking
I value you as a friend and colleague and hope that you will join me in this new venture.  Check out my web site at and my Facebook page, where I will be posting articles and encouraging discussion and peer support on critical topics in our field.  I can also be found on LinkedIn and Twitter.   

I look forward to working with you and/or your organization in this new capacity.  Please reach out to me anytime by email at or by phone at (502) 472-5367.  

Warmest Regards,


Gregory NielsenComment