Posts tagged Community
Nonprofit Vision Podcast

Leading a nonprofit is more enjoyable when you have a community of friends, colleagues, and fellow leaders around you to share the joys and challenges. Nonprofit Vision podcast is that community! With 2 new episodes published each month, join us as we discuss the issues that are most critical for nonprofit leaders today. Episodes are available on our web site at the link below or on your favorite podcast platform. Share the podcast with fellow leaders in your network as we continue to grow our community!

Warmshowers Strategy Retreat

The bold goals and strategies you establish for your nonprofit are not meant to sit on a shelf, but rather can only be achieved by reviewing, reflecting on, and refining them regularly. Honored to continue our work with Warmshowers by facilitating their Board Strategy Retreat. Warmshowers is a community of touring cyclists and those that support them. Their platform provides the technology for reciprocal hospitality for cyclists and hosts across the globe! So excited to see the continued growth of this outstanding organization.

Have You Heard the News? Nonprofit Vision is a Top 20 Podcast!

Excited to share that our podcast — Nonprofit Vision — has been named one of the Top 20 Nonprofit Leadership Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 by Feedspot! We are #8 on the list!

With over 80 episodes available, Nonprofit Vision presents informative and entertaining conversations spotlighting critical issues in nonprofit leadership with the visionaries who are addressing them. You can find Nonprofit Vision on the NTC web site or on your favorite podcast platform such as Apple Podcasts, Google, Anchor, and more.

If you are already subscribed to the podcast, THANK YOU for helping us grow this special community of leaders! If you are not yet subscribed, check it out and let us know what you think. If you know of a nonprofit leader who might enjoy the podcast, please share it with them.

CASA of Lexington Staff Retreat
CASA Lexington.png

Fostering and embracing ongoing conversation about strategy is vital for healthy nonprofits. Honored to facilitate a staff strategy retreat this week for the amazing leaders of CASA of Lexington. CASA of Lexington’s trained and supervised volunteers advocate through the family court system to ensure all victims of child abuse and neglect are safe and thrive in a permanent home. Whether you are in one of the counties they serve or elsewhere around the country, I highly encourage all to consider serving as a CASA volunteer!

Mobilizing DAFs: Opportunities and Challenges

Many conversations about Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) unfortunately devolve into "good vs. bad" rather than embracing the deeper, more critical conversations needed when talking about philanthropy's fastest growing vehicle. Therefore, when I see an article that delves deeper, it immediately grabs my attention! The CEO of FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, recently published a thoughtful piece on the blog of the Center for Effective Philanthropy entitled “The Power (and Challenges) of Mobilizing DAFs in a Time of Crisis.” One fantastic question posed by the article linked below is:

"This highlights the important question about whether DAF sponsors should primarily be a mechanism for individual giving, or whether there’s a role for sponsors in inspiring their donors to consider different, and potentially more equitable, approaches to their philanthropy."

If your Board, leadership team, or development team are interested in learning more about Donor Advised Funds, we have created a Signature Program entitled “Demystifying Donor Advised Funds.” In a highly interactive format, this workshop discusses donor advised funds, how they differ from private foundations, tips for engagement, critiques and potential reforms. If you’d like to learn more, contact us today!

PPP Update: Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) Becomes Law

Congress has passed — and today the President signed — the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA). Among its major provisions, the bill provides borrowers with additional flexibility and time to use PPP loan funds and still receive forgiveness on the loan. Highlights of the bill and lingering questions include:

  • PPPFA extends time period to use funds from 8 to 24 weeks.

    • Borrowers now have 24 weeks from the disbursement of their loan to use PPP funds, though they may still elect to use the 8 week period if beneficial.

    • Big Question: Does this mean 24 weeks of payroll or just 8 weeks of payroll that can be expended over 24 weeks? Guidance is still pending.

  • PPPFA reduces the amount of the loan needed to be spent on payroll from 75% to 60%.

    • Borrowers may now spend up to 40% of PPP funds on approved non-payroll expenses such as rent, utilities, and mortgage interest.

  • PPPFA extends the amount of time to rehire workers from June 30 to December 31.

    • This provides additional needed flexibility, especially for borrowers whose operations are significantly impacted by Covid-19.

    • Big question - what if you opt for an 8 week forgiveness period- do you still need to have the same FTEs in December?

  • PPPFA relaxes re-hire requirements in specific instances.

    • Borrowers may receive an exemption from a reduction in loan forgiveness if in good faith they can certify an inability to rehire eligible employees, similarly qualified employees, or return to a similar level of business activity of before February 15, 2020.

  • PPPFA changes the repayment term from 2 to 5 years.

    • The 1% interest rate on the loan remains unchanged.

    • Big question- who will have the authority and what will the process be for changing the terms of the loans?

Many of these changes stand to benefit nonprofit organizations around the country who have taken advantage of the funds available through the PPP. Sign up for our emails HERE — Nielsen Training & Consulting will continue to monitor critical legislation that impacts nonprofits and provide updates and analysis as available. Stay well friends!

Developing Board Champions

Developing a dynamic and engaged Board is vital to the success of your mission. It doesn’t happen overnight, but is the product of intentionality, engagement, and effort.

Honored to facilitate Board development webinars this week for the leaders of two outstanding organizations — Kentucky CASA Network and Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation.

The Kentucky CASA Network (KCN) is supports a statewide network of local, community-based CASA programs, through which trained volunteers advocate for the best interests of children who have been removed from their families because of abuse or neglect. The KCN aims to support local programs by providing resources, technical assistance, and advocating in their interest.

The Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation encourages, with the assistance of the American public and community leaders, establishing permanent Gold Star Families Memorial Monuments in communities throughout the United States, conducting Gold Star Families Outreach across the country, providing Living Legacy scholarships to eligible Gold Star Children, and advocating for educational benefits for all Gold Star Family members.

Board Champions is a year-round, fully customizable Board development program, designed to partner with you in building a Board team capable of translating bold vision into reality. If you are looking to elevate the performance and effectiveness of your Board, let’s connect!

Nonprofit Vision: New Podcast Episodes!

Have you checked out our podcast recently? We have recently added several new episodes, including the following episode today:

Reflections of a Nonprofit Board Leader

Ever wondered what is going through the thoughts of your Board members? Vipe Desai is an experienced Board member who has has led both nonprofit and corporate Boards. Vipe joins me for a lively and entertaining conversation reflecting on experiences as a Board member, the pivotal role of the Board Chair, and inspiring a Board team.


"What do you think is the most hopeful sign to emerge from the Covid-19 crisis for nonprofits?" An interviewer asked me this fantastic question yesterday. For me, it is twofold. First, I see an unleashing of immense creativity across the nonprofit community. From the manner in which vital programs and services are delivered to the way in which teams come together to meet vital needs, to the approaches to fundraising, I am blown away by the creativity and innovation I see from nonprofit leaders. Second, the collaboration that we have always known existed far more than others recognized has blossomed during this crisis. I see leaders and organizations coming together to serve communities in ways that inspire me. I believe this blossoming of collaboration will carry forward in the shaping of a new normal across the nonprofit sector in interesting and impactful ways. So now I ask you... "What do you think is the most hopeful sign to emerge from the Covid-19 crisis for nonprofits?"