Mobilizing DAFs: Opportunities and Challenges


Many conversations about Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) unfortunately devolve into "good vs. bad" rather than embracing the deeper, more critical conversations needed when talking about philanthropy's fastest growing vehicle. Therefore, when I see an article that delves deeper, it immediately grabs my attention! The CEO of FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, recently published a thoughtful piece on the blog of the Center for Effective Philanthropy entitled “The Power (and Challenges) of Mobilizing DAFs in a Time of Crisis.” One fantastic question posed by the article linked below is:

"This highlights the important question about whether DAF sponsors should primarily be a mechanism for individual giving, or whether there’s a role for sponsors in inspiring their donors to consider different, and potentially more equitable, approaches to their philanthropy."

If your Board, leadership team, or development team are interested in learning more about Donor Advised Funds, we have created a Signature Program entitled “Demystifying Donor Advised Funds.” In a highly interactive format, this workshop discusses donor advised funds, how they differ from private foundations, tips for engagement, critiques and potential reforms. If you’d like to learn more, contact us today!