FREE Webinar: Board Leadership in Challenging Times
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DATE: Thursday April 9, 2020

TIME: 1pm - 2pm eastern time

PRESENTER: Gregory Nielsen


  • Highly effective Boards remain informed and engaged throughout the year. However, the need for Board leaders to be appropriately engaged and active is heightened during challenging times. This webinar explores the ways in which nonprofit Boards should respond in times of crisis, such as many are experiencing now with the COVID-19 outbreak. Emphasis will be placed on the duties of Board members, and vital role in communications, financial management, staff safety, and governance during times of crisis.

COVID-19: Resources for Nonprofit Leaders: March 27 2020

Nonprofit leaders, Board and staff members, and volunteers — you inspire me with your leadership and sacrifice each day. The survival of nonprofits is about far more than the ability of organizations to continue existing. It is about the survival of communities, the survival of the most vulnerable, the survival of compassion, and the survival of our values.

You are not alone. We are in this together. Below please find a new collection of resources for you this week on a variety of topics. I have also created a webinar on “Board Leadership in Challenging Times.” It provides a roadmap for your Board with actionable steps in the areas of risk management, financial assessment, business continuity and communication planning, and tips for fostering Board involvement in challenging times. If this information and webinar would be helpful for your Board, let’s connect and give your Board the tools and support to lead. I am available to serve as a thought partner, facilitator, or sounding board.



Self Care:

Board Role/Governance:

Human Resources:

Legislation and Advocacy:


Board Leadership in Challenging Times

Board leadership and engagement is vital in challenging times, and there are tangible steps Boards can and should take. Enjoyed leading a webinar today on Board Leadership in Challenging Times. We discussed risk management, financial assessment, business continuity and communication planning, and tips for fostering Board involvement in challenging times. If this information and webinar would be helpful for your Board, let’s connect and give your Board the tools and support to lead.

COVID-19: Resources for Nonprofit Leaders: March 20, 2020
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At a time of extraordinary challenge and uncertainty, nonprofit leaders continue to shine brightly, serving their communities in countless ways. I see your commitment and your sacrifice and am grateful. Last week, I shared resources in the areas of leadership, human resources, governance, and philanthropy that many found helpful, and I am doing so again today.

I reiterate to all the amazing nonprofit leaders out there, you are not alone. We are in this together. We may be physically distant, but we are not socially distant. Together we can continue to build and preserve community as servant leaders. I am available to serve as a thought partner, facilitator, or sounding board. By supporting one another and sharing information and ideas, we will get through this together.



Self Care:

Board Role/Governance:

Human Resources:

Legislation and Advocacy:


Board Orientation Excellence

I recently had the privilege of joining Janeal Ford of Fordable Fundraising for a Facebook Live conversation on developing a Board orientation program for excellence. Take a listen as I talk with Janeal about tangible ways in which you and your Board can develop an orientation program that sets Board members and the Board team up for success.

COVID-19: Resources for Nonprofit Leaders
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This is a time of uncertainty, a time of fear, and a time when the challenges of the moment can seem overwhelming. A nonprofit Executive I spoke with yesterday captured the feelings of many when she said, "It feels as though my Board, staff, donors, and volunteers are all looking to me to be a pandemic expert and know exactly how to respond." As nonprofits around the country navigate new and rapidly changing realities, leaders are discussing:

  • Operational contingencies

  • Loss of funding

  • Potential shifts in Board meetings

  • Policy changes to address the wellbeing of staff members and those served by the mission

  • Status of upcoming events

To all the amazing nonprofit leaders out there, you are not alone. We are in this together. Helpful resources are being created to provide guidance during these uncertain times and I have pulled some of them together in one place for you as links below. As we navigate these choppy waters together, I am available to serve as a thought partner, facilitator, or sounding board. By supporting one another and sharing information and ideas, we will get through this together.



Board Role/Governance:

Legislation and Advocacy:

Role of Funders and Philanthropic Response:

Board and Executive Leadership: Coronavirus and COVID-19
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The integral role of the Board in leading and partnering with the Executive and staff is heightened and magnified in times of crisis and uncertainty. As nonprofits around the country navigate new and rapidly changing realities, Board members must be active and engaged leaders. Boards should partner with the Executive to discuss:

  • Operational contingencies

  • Potential shifts in Board meetings

  • Policy changes to address the wellbeing of staff members and those served by the mission

  • Status of upcoming events

The article below from Gene Takagi of NEO Law Group highlights many of these issues and provides solid tips for Boards to consider. As we navigate these choppy waters together, we are available to serve as a thought partner, facilitator, or sounding board to discuss the unique needs of your organization.

*NEW* Signature Program: Mission Ambassadors

What if your Board and staff members embraced their role as advocates and ambassadors for the mission? Imagine the enhanced awareness of your mission and impact!

Excited to announce the launch of a NEW Signature Program — Mission Ambassadors. This engaging and highly interactive workshop hones effective speaking techniques while empowering Board and staff members to develop their personal meaningful message and gain skills to serve as excited and effective ambassadors for your mission. Mission Ambassadors can be delivered in a variety of lengths and formats, and is highly customizable for your needs. Click below to discuss bringing Mission Ambassadors to your organization!

CASA Day at the Capitol -- Strategy in Action!

Last year, I was honored to facilitate the strategic planning process for Kentucky CASA Network. The talented Board and Staff leaders set a bold goal to develop and host a “CASA Day at the Capitol” to build relationships and advocate for the vital mission of CASA. Yesterday, that vision and planning became reality, as more than 120 CASA leaders and volunteers engaged in meetings with legislators and raised awareness. Love seeing leaders embrace a bold, thoughtful strategic plan and translate that vision into reality. Well done Kentucky CASA Network!

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Tips for a Successful Board Orientation
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Imagine for a moment that two employees begin similar jobs on the same day. One employee receives a book, and instructions to read it in order to learn about the job responsibilities and company. The other employee meets with the CEO and key individuals within the organization who provide information, address questions, and provide a pathway for future conversations. Which employee would you expect to be more effective in their new endeavor? Most would agree that the employee who enjoyed a more personalized experience will be better equipped to thrive. Introducing new members to your nonprofit board team is no different.

Board orientation is an important but overlooked component of the overall effort to develop “Board Champions.” We often spend a lot of time discussing our expectations of board members and where we will look to recruit these leaders, but far less time on how we will ensure that they are put in a position to excel once they join the team. Offering a new board member a comprehensive introduction is essential and invaluable to an organization. A thoughtful approach to nonprofit board orientation provides a thorough understanding of the mission of the nonprofit and individual roles and responsibilities.

Do all board members need an orientation, even the seasoned ones?

Knowing how to be an effective nonprofit board member is a learning experience. No one is born with this gift. It requires an investment of time and effort from the organization, existing board leaders, and the new board member. The benefit to new board members is obvious. However, even the most seasoned board members, who have served on nonprofit boards in the past, need to become familiar with the lay of the land to ensure they understand the objectives of the organization and the role they will play. There is also value in board members sharing a common experience through the orientation process, as it becomes part of the board culture and way of welcoming and introducing members to the team so they might be successful.

What should we include in our nonprofit board orientation?

Effective orientations include:

  • History of the organization

  • Organizational structure

  • Current programs/projects

  • Strategic direction

  • Financial overview

  • Goals and expectations

  • Housekeeping (e.g., how often does the board meet? When? Where? Committees?)

Any other tips for an effective nonprofit board orientation program?

  • There is no replacement for in-person communication. Effective orientation for a new board member includes time spent with the CEO, board and staff leaders.

  • A thoughtful orientation session should also include and highlight the organization’s compelling plans and vision for the future. This is a golden opportunity to inspire the passion and imagination of the new board member, one that will serve to inspire rather than impose commitment. Your board members are ambassadors for the organization – give them the tools to inspire others!

  • Consider creating a mentoring program that will pair the new board member with an existing, effective board member who can instill confidence, provide insight and share experience. This can be a powerful tool and can go a long way in developing meaningful relationships and cohesion among board members.

Developing a highly effective board doesn’t happen overnight, but is the product of intentionality, engagement, and effort. That’s why I created Board Champions — a customizable board development program designed to partner with you in building a board team capable of translating bold vision into reality. If you’d like to learn more about nonprofit board orientation or other aspects of building and leading a dynamic board, let’s connect!

Upcoming Events: Week of February 17

Excited to share that I will be participating in 2 FREE web events this week!

  • On Tuesday, February 18 from 7 - 7:30 PM eastern time, I will be joining host Janeal Ford on “Adventures in Fundraising.” The topic will be Building a Board Orientation Program for Excellence. Learn strategies for developing an orientation program that places your Board members in the best position to succeed in advancing your mission. We will cover the roles of Board and staff in the process, questions and topics to address, and learn a vastly underutilized orientation strategy to elevate the performance and engagement of your Board members. You can participate on Facebook Live HERE.

  • On Thursday, February 20 from 2-3 PM eastern time, I will be leading a FREE live webinar for Bloomerang entitled “Demystifying Donor Advised Funds.” This workshop discusses donor advised funds, how they differ from private foundations, tips for engagement, critiques and potential reforms. This webinar will be recorded for future viewing. If you can't make it, go ahead and register anyway. You'll receive the recording a little later. Click below to register for this FREE webinar!

Join the conversation!

Upcoming FREE Webinar: Demystifying Donor Advised Funds
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Excited to share that on February 20 from 2-3pm eastern time, I will be leading a FREE live webinar for Bloomerang entitled “Demystifying Donor Advised Funds.”

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a giving vehicle established at a public charity. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time. Today, they are philanthropy’s fastest growing vehicle, accounting for 3% of all giving. This workshop discusses donor advised funds, how they differ from private foundations, tips for engagement, critiques and potential reforms.

This webinar will be recorded for future viewing. If you can't make it, go ahead and register anyway. You'll receive the recording a little later. Click below to register for this FREE webinar!

Does Your Team Have an Accountability Problem?

Accountability lies at the heart of any healthy team, and is the hallmark of a healthy organization. Frequently, when organizations struggle, leaders will point to a lack of accountability as the source of the dysfunction, whether arising from the Board or staff. This article from Harvard Business Review does an excellent job of reframing issues of accountability and providing helpful strategies for you and your team.

Planned Giving Council of Middle Tennessee

Honored to speak today on “Building a Championship Fundraising Board” at the meeting of the Planned Giving Council of Middle Tennessee. The Council exists to increase the quality and quantity of charitable planned gifts by serving as the voice and professional resource for the gift planning community in Middle Tennessee.

Gregory NielsenComment
Harbor House Board Retreat

A Board retreat can serve as an inspiring bridge from the present to the future for a nonprofit, providing an opportunity for the Board and staff team to reflect, reimagine, and prioritize. Honored to facilitate the Board retreat for Harbor House this weekend. The mission of Harbor House is empowering individuals with disabilities and their families to lead fulfilled and productive lives.

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Only 27% of Nonprofits Have a Succession Plan In Place: NTC Can Now Help!
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I launched Nielsen Training and Consulting with a mission to help nonprofit leaders translate their vision into reality. I take great pride in the fact that my clients’ success is changing the world for the better.

We know, though, that success requires plans for sustainability, and nowhere is that more challenging for nonprofits than the area of leadership transition:

  • Nonprofit CEO turnover sits at an all-time high - with some estimates as high as 18-22% annually

  • According to BoardSource, only 27% of nonprofits have a written succession plan in place

These data points concern me, and with that in mind, Nielsen Training & Consulting can now offer resources crucial to your ability to sustain the community impact you have worked so hard to achieve. I am pleased to announce an affiliation with Dennis C. Miller & Associates. Dennis is a highly respected national leader, colleague, and trusted friend of mine whose firm specializes in executive leadership search projects representing a wide variety of nonprofit sectors, including behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities, children and family social services, foundations, business and professional trade associations, faith-based institutions and other community building organizations. The firm has a well-established search process designed to exceed clients’ expectations with high qualified candidates and a smooth transition process. Dennis’ extensive experience and reputation as a successful chief executive officer, board chair, foundation president and leadership coach in the nonprofit sector enables him to bring a unique perspective to his client’s executive search needs. Dennis is the author of A Guide to Recruiting Your Next CEO: The Executive Search Handbook for Nonprofit Boards and his search services include his signature interview matrices and evaluation tools, as well as TalassureMX leadership assessments. Through this affiliation with Dennis and his executive recruitment team, together we can address your leadership succession and executive recruitment needs. If you would like to discuss your organization’s leadership transition needs now or in planning for the future, let’s connect!

Kentucky to the World Strategic Planning Retreat

Have you ever attended a retreat or strategy session and left feeling empowered and inspired? Charting a course for the future of an organization can and should be informative, engaging, and inspirational. Honored to facilitate the strategic planning retreat this past weekend with the amazing Board and staff team of Kentucky to the World, led by visionary founder Shelly Zegart. This organization enhances Kentucky’s image by showcasing the talent, ingenuity, and excellence of people with strong Kentucky ties. Exciting times ahead!

Lead With Your Values

Do your values align with the culture and practices of your organization? Sharing a few thoughts today on developing core values to guide your team and embedding them in the culture and practices of the organization.

Gregory NielsenComment