4 Pathways to Sustained Collaboration

4 Pathways to Sustained Collaboration

Collaboration has always been a hallmark of the nonprofit sector.  Studies repeatedly show that nonprofits collaborate with one another far more than many suspect.  These efforts may take a variety of forms, which is the first important truth to realize about collaboration -- namely, it represents a spectrum of possibilities from associations to partnerships all the way to mergers at the far end of the spectrum.  The term I most like when discussing this topic is “sustained collaboration,” as it encompasses the many possibilities along the spectrum.  

As the Covid-19 pandemic and other realities continue to impact nonprofits across the country, many are now more intentionally investigating sustained collaborations, either for strategic or survival purposes.  While certainly not an exhaustive list, in working with nonprofits I have found 4 common pathways to sustained collaboration.   

  • Increased ability to deliver services.

Many nonprofits have developed an innovative approach to addressing complex community challenges that has proven effective.  However, the limitations of their geographic reach, staff capacity, or financial position prevent them from expanding their service delivery.  Sustained collaboration with a partner can be a means to expand reach and impact.

This may benefit you if:  There is demand for your programs outside your current service area that you cannot meet.

  • Common strategic vision.

Frequently, two organizations build a relationship over time.  They may start by sharing information about their shared mission focus.  Over time, they may grow their collaboration to include a partnership on program delivery.  At some point, they may sit down and realize there is synergy and alignment in their respective strategic visions for the future.  This relationship based model can often lead to highly successful sustained collaborations (occasionally even mergers) because it is built on a strong foundation of trust and shared focus on a common vision for the future.

This may benefit you if: You have identified a current collaborative partner with whom you share a common strategic vision and desire to work more closely.  

  • Increased efficiency.

There is a common refrain many nonprofit leaders have heard repeatedly throughout their career --  “There are simply too many nonprofits in our community and they are duplicating services.”  While we can debate the merits of this statement, the duplication that is of most concern and presents the greatest opportunity for sustained collaboration is administrative duplication.  Let’s face it -- it takes significant administrative resources to sustain a nonprofit, from human resources to finance to payroll.  Many nonprofits have successfully increased the efficiency of their organizations through sustained collaborations to share administrative infrastructure and operations.  When structured thoughtfully, this enables nonprofits to focus a greater amount of their limited resources where they can have the most impact, on programs enhancing communities.

This may benefit you if: You seek to gain economies of scale by sharing administrative functions or your organization is vulnerable to key staff losses in administrative areas.

  • Survival.  

It has never been more challenging to lead a nonprofit than it is right now.  Many organizations have teetered perilously close to the brink of closure for an extended period of time due to a multitude of factors.  While Covid-19 didn’t create the financial challenges pervasive in the nonprofit sector, it certainly has laid them bare and exacerbated them.   Recent studies illustrate the urgency of the situation:

  • Between March and April 2020, the percentage of nonprofits reporting a drop in monthly revenue rose from 70% to 90%.

  • More than 55% of nonprofits reported anticipating cutbacks in services

  • More than 44% anticipate more staff layoffs to come

Nonprofit leaders are working to and often past the point of exhaustion attempting to keep their organizations afloat.  This has led many to consider the possibility of merger as a survival strategy to preserve the mission. 

This may be for you if: Organization business model is no longer viable or streams of revenue have been damaged so extensively that ongoing viability is a concern.  

Sustained collaborations are neither easy nor fast, but when entered into thoughtfully can provide benefits that allow for the expansion of services, advancement of a common vision, and preservation of organizational impact.  Frequently, engaging with an external thought partner can be a helpful first step in exploring a holistic process that will encompass not only the legal and financial due diligence necessary, but also considerations of governance, leadership, and organizational culture.  If your organization is contemplating a sustained collaboration, I invite you to connect with me for further discussion of this important topic.     

PPP Forgiveness Support Package
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Realize PPP forgiveness with an informative webinar, step-by-step guide, and access to experienced professionals!

The Civitas Strategies and NTC team has helped over 100 organizations secure PPP funding, with amounts ranging from greater than $1 million to less than $5,000. Learn from our experience!

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) provided a path for nonprofits and for-profits get the funding they need to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have the loan, you’ve made it halfway- now you need to apply and secure forgiveness. Unfortunately, the process is even more convoluted than the application.

Drawing on our support on the PPP to organizations across the U.S., Civitas Strategies and Nielsen Training and Consulting are offering a limited-time opportunity to help you painlessly navigate the forgiveness process.

The PPP Forgiveness Support Package includes:

  • Live webinar with the CEO of Civitas Strategies or Nielsen Training and Consulting to learn about the forgiveness process.

  • Step-by-step guide for filling out your forgiveness request explaining every field on the forms.

  • Ability to email senior consultants with any questions that arise while you apply for forgiveness. Register now!

Package Price: $89.95

*Register between now and July 24 and use the code PPPNOW to get 25% off the cost of registration!

Leading Effective Virtual Board Meetings

Developing rules of engagement for virtual meetings together with your Board is an important step towards creating a culture of performance. Enjoyed leading a highly interactive workshop on "Habits of Healthy Boards and Managing Effective Virtual Board Meetings" with the talented leaders of American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). What is your favorite tip for effective virtual meetings?

CASA of Lexington Staff Retreat
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Fostering and embracing ongoing conversation about strategy is vital for healthy nonprofits. Honored to facilitate a staff strategy retreat this week for the amazing leaders of CASA of Lexington. CASA of Lexington’s trained and supervised volunteers advocate through the family court system to ensure all victims of child abuse and neglect are safe and thrive in a permanent home. Whether you are in one of the counties they serve or elsewhere around the country, I highly encourage all to consider serving as a CASA volunteer!

Mobilizing DAFs: Opportunities and Challenges

Many conversations about Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) unfortunately devolve into "good vs. bad" rather than embracing the deeper, more critical conversations needed when talking about philanthropy's fastest growing vehicle. Therefore, when I see an article that delves deeper, it immediately grabs my attention! The CEO of FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, recently published a thoughtful piece on the blog of the Center for Effective Philanthropy entitled “The Power (and Challenges) of Mobilizing DAFs in a Time of Crisis.” One fantastic question posed by the article linked below is:

"This highlights the important question about whether DAF sponsors should primarily be a mechanism for individual giving, or whether there’s a role for sponsors in inspiring their donors to consider different, and potentially more equitable, approaches to their philanthropy."

If your Board, leadership team, or development team are interested in learning more about Donor Advised Funds, we have created a Signature Program entitled “Demystifying Donor Advised Funds.” In a highly interactive format, this workshop discusses donor advised funds, how they differ from private foundations, tips for engagement, critiques and potential reforms. If you’d like to learn more, contact us today!

Giving USA 2020 Report Observations

Recently, the Giving USA 2020 report was released. Giving USA, the longest-running and most comprehensive report on charitable giving of its kind in America, is published by Giving USA Foundation. It is researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI. The report paints a picture of an uneven charitable giving landscape, with plenty of caution flags and opportunities for nonprofit leaders. A note of caution in reading the report since the country has experienced significant challenges in recent months. Key findings from the report include:

  • American individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations gave an estimated $449.64 billion to U.S. charities in 2019, placing it among the highest years ever for charitable giving

  • Total charitable giving rose 4.2% measured in current dollars (2.4% adjusted for inflation)

  • For only the second time since Giving USA data began to be published in 1955, individual contributions constituted less than 70% of charitable giving.

  • There is a clear trend downwards in total donors and greater disparity in gift size as the report shows $6.57 billion in mega-gifts (defined as $300 million and above). This trend has been referred to as “Dollars up and donors down.”

A few of my own thoughts and observations in reading the report:

  • The widening gap between "mega-gift" philanthropy and individual giving bears watching because of its potentially negative consequences for small-mid size nonprofits.

  • "Dollars up, donors down" is not a formula for success for the vast majority of nonprofits

  • Proposals for a universal charitable giving incentive are vital to engaging greater numbers of donors in philanthropy, particularly at the grassroots level and particularly for younger generations. Bonus Takeaway

  • Savvy nonprofits will pay close attention to the continued rise of Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) as philanthropy's fastest growing vehicle and invest time and resources in strategies to engage DAF sponsors and holders.

If your leadership team and/or Board would like to connect to discuss your fundraising effectiveness or explore our signature “Demystifying Donor Advised Funds” workshop, let’s connect!

PPP Update: Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) Becomes Law

Congress has passed — and today the President signed — the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA). Among its major provisions, the bill provides borrowers with additional flexibility and time to use PPP loan funds and still receive forgiveness on the loan. Highlights of the bill and lingering questions include:

  • PPPFA extends time period to use funds from 8 to 24 weeks.

    • Borrowers now have 24 weeks from the disbursement of their loan to use PPP funds, though they may still elect to use the 8 week period if beneficial.

    • Big Question: Does this mean 24 weeks of payroll or just 8 weeks of payroll that can be expended over 24 weeks? Guidance is still pending.

  • PPPFA reduces the amount of the loan needed to be spent on payroll from 75% to 60%.

    • Borrowers may now spend up to 40% of PPP funds on approved non-payroll expenses such as rent, utilities, and mortgage interest.

  • PPPFA extends the amount of time to rehire workers from June 30 to December 31.

    • This provides additional needed flexibility, especially for borrowers whose operations are significantly impacted by Covid-19.

    • Big question - what if you opt for an 8 week forgiveness period- do you still need to have the same FTEs in December?

  • PPPFA relaxes re-hire requirements in specific instances.

    • Borrowers may receive an exemption from a reduction in loan forgiveness if in good faith they can certify an inability to rehire eligible employees, similarly qualified employees, or return to a similar level of business activity of before February 15, 2020.

  • PPPFA changes the repayment term from 2 to 5 years.

    • The 1% interest rate on the loan remains unchanged.

    • Big question- who will have the authority and what will the process be for changing the terms of the loans?

Many of these changes stand to benefit nonprofit organizations around the country who have taken advantage of the funds available through the PPP. Sign up for our emails HERE — Nielsen Training & Consulting will continue to monitor critical legislation that impacts nonprofits and provide updates and analysis as available. Stay well friends!

Developing Board Champions

Developing a dynamic and engaged Board is vital to the success of your mission. It doesn’t happen overnight, but is the product of intentionality, engagement, and effort.

Honored to facilitate Board development webinars this week for the leaders of two outstanding organizations — Kentucky CASA Network and Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation.

The Kentucky CASA Network (KCN) is supports a statewide network of local, community-based CASA programs, through which trained volunteers advocate for the best interests of children who have been removed from their families because of abuse or neglect. The KCN aims to support local programs by providing resources, technical assistance, and advocating in their interest.

The Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation encourages, with the assistance of the American public and community leaders, establishing permanent Gold Star Families Memorial Monuments in communities throughout the United States, conducting Gold Star Families Outreach across the country, providing Living Legacy scholarships to eligible Gold Star Children, and advocating for educational benefits for all Gold Star Family members.

Board Champions is a year-round, fully customizable Board development program, designed to partner with you in building a Board team capable of translating bold vision into reality. If you are looking to elevate the performance and effectiveness of your Board, let’s connect!

PPP Project Report Released

Since the passage of the CARES Act, we have all been inundated with information regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  From the initial launch of the program to the almost immediate depletion of funds to the uncertainty around the rules for forgiveness, the experience has had more twists and turns than a mystery novel for nonprofit leaders.

“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your help and support. I would be so lost without you. I have received NO help from anyone else. I really can’t thank you enough for your kindness.”


Over the past month, Nielsen Training & Consulting has been proud to partner with Civitas Strategies to make the process more equitable and the results more successful for early learning providers in the State of New Jersey.  With support from the Maher Foundation, the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, Nicholson Foundation, and the Burke Foundation, we designed and deployed a comprehensive Technical Assistance program to assist early learning providers and organizations. Technical Assistance was provided in four ways — webinars, an online intake questionnaire, live, personalized 1:1 consultation, and application support.  The results for these organizations have been significant, including:

  • 92 organizations completed the Technical Assistance program

  • $3.33 million stimulus potential for all completed TA Cases as of May 15, 2020

  • $2.23 million stimulus generated by secured loans as of May 15 2020           

“I feel like you are part of the family here with us.”

We have learned a great deal from this project, and have prepared a comprehensive report on the project with lessons learned, additional PPP information, and recommendations for the future.  I invite you to review the report and if helpful, share with your stakeholders and communities.  A copy of the report is linked below.

“I can’t believe you keep answering the phone.  You’re the only person who gets my frustration.”

We are also now entering a pivotal next phase for those who have secured loans under the PPP -- forgiveness.  In case you missed it, the Treasury Department has recently released the application for loan forgiveness under the PPP (linked below).  If you or your Board members have questions about the CARES Act, PPP, or would benefit from a webinar with information and recommendations for applying for loan forgiveness, please do not hesitate to reach out.  As always, Nielsen Training & Consulting is here to keep you informed, answer your questions, and partner with you.  Thank you for your leadership and immense sacrifices during this time of crisis.   

Nonprofit Vision: New Podcast Episodes!

Have you checked out our podcast recently? We have recently added several new episodes, including the following episode today:

Reflections of a Nonprofit Board Leader

Ever wondered what is going through the thoughts of your Board members? Vipe Desai is an experienced Board member who has has led both nonprofit and corporate Boards. Vipe joins me for a lively and entertaining conversation reflecting on experiences as a Board member, the pivotal role of the Board Chair, and inspiring a Board team.


"What do you think is the most hopeful sign to emerge from the Covid-19 crisis for nonprofits?" An interviewer asked me this fantastic question yesterday. For me, it is twofold. First, I see an unleashing of immense creativity across the nonprofit community. From the manner in which vital programs and services are delivered to the way in which teams come together to meet vital needs, to the approaches to fundraising, I am blown away by the creativity and innovation I see from nonprofit leaders. Second, the collaboration that we have always known existed far more than others recognized has blossomed during this crisis. I see leaders and organizations coming together to serve communities in ways that inspire me. I believe this blossoming of collaboration will carry forward in the shaping of a new normal across the nonprofit sector in interesting and impactful ways. So now I ask you... "What do you think is the most hopeful sign to emerge from the Covid-19 crisis for nonprofits?"

Upcoming Event: Survive and Thrive Nonprofit Online Summit
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Excited to share that I will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Survive and Thrive Nonprofit Online Summit. The Summit is an action-packed day featuring more than 6 speakers discussing strategies for your nonprofit to successfully survive and thrive in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond...all from the comfort of your home remote office.

I will be speaking on Understanding the CARES Act and Other Emergency Supports for Nonprofits. Join me!

GUEST POST: Five reasons your website is your best marketing tool right now
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It seems like every nonprofit is asked to do more with less, year after year. With bad stereotypes out there around overhead expenses, the need to continue diversifying income streams, and running lean teams with sometimes few or no paid staff, marketing is often the first expense on the chopping block. 

And now, here in 2020 with the Coronavirus Pandemic changing almost every facet of our lives, marketing is a messy topic. To market or not to market? To ask or not to ask? Move our events online? Cancel everything? Beg for money? No one knows the right way to approach all of this because guess what, no one has done this before. I fear many nonprofits are going to let their marketing plans fall by the wayside in search of quick results and that will, I’m afraid, turn out to be a terrible decision in the long run. 

But, even if your nonprofit is planning to slash the marketing budget and cut back, your websites should remain in place and active (pay those renewals, no matter what!). And lucky for you, your biggest (and best) marketing asset is versatile and online, which is where everyone else is, too.

There are probably many more reasons I could add to this list but for now, here are five reasons your website is your best marketing tool right now.

1: You can update the content as much as needed and adapt quickly as things change.

Have you ever printed a brochure or traditional marketing piece and immediately found a mistake? With your website, you can update your content as often as needed so your visitors can find what they need, find something useful they didn’t know they needed, and send a big signal to Google that your website is the best place for people to find information on your topic or service area.

The current COVID-19 crisis is a perfect example of how your website can help you adapt and pivot when things change daily. No one is out printing brochures right now about their Coronavirus response (at least I hope they’re not). But before you go adding a ton of new information about the current situation, you need to make sure the standard content is on target and serving your audience. 

Take a look at your homepage with a fresh perspective. One of the biggest mistakes I see nonprofits make is focusing their website on what they do instead of why they do it. 

 For example, if your website tells me that you provide after school care for kids, great. That’s nice. But if your website tells me that you give kids a safe place to do homework, have a snack, and make friends instead of going home to an empty house….now that’s an impact. 

When we figure out how to talk about the why in our marketing messages, we naturally segue into talking about our impact instead of our programs and services, resulting in less confusion for those not in the trenches with us day-to-day.

To make your website the most effective marketing tool you have, showcase your impact through strategic wording and evidence, emotion-invoking photos, video, and testimonials (or social proof). 

So what does showcasing our impact look like? Here are a few examples of what you could include on your website to better demonstrate your impact: 

✅ Share impactful data (evidence) and include the people behind the numbers with strategic content. People aren’t motivated by stand-alone numbers or numbers they can’t relate to. But the combination of relevant data plus stories is magical. Give your audience a few interesting pieces of data about what you’ve accomplished and then provide a story that goes along with each data point. 

✅ Use emotion-invoking photos and meaningful captions to highlight impactful moments. Great photos that evoke emotion are key to keeping your website visitor reading. But photos by themselves aren’t much help. Ensure each photo has a meaningful caption and demonstrates a key component of your program. 

If you don’t have great photos to use, be sure to read this post about how to use stock photography well and check out the Nonprofit Resource Library for several links to great stock photography websites. 

✅ Make a video of your program in action. When you can demonstrate your program in action, you help the reader visualize how their support will be used. If you include a video on your website:

  • Be sure it’s great quality and looks great on both desktop and mobile screens

  • Caption the video if at all possible. Most people who watch a video (at least on a smartphone) do not use sound. YouTube offers a free service to caption your video once it’s uploaded! 

  • Consider putting your video on YouTube where you can capitalize on the SEO with a great video description and link back to your website donation page. 

✅ Share testimonials and offer social proof. We can tell potential donors over and over again how great our programs are but when they hear it from those who are actually benefitting, it takes it to a whole other level. Be intentional about asking for testimonials whenever you can. Add a form to your website where you can collect them easily. (Check out this YouTube video for help creating a form in Squarespace

Testimonials can be from different points of view and it’s okay to change names, where needed. Ask your clients, volunteers, family members of those you serve, and even collaborators to share the impact your nonprofit has on the greater community you serve. Spread those testimonials throughout your website and be sure to add the best one on your donate page!

Once you have really great content on your website that works for any situation, you can start to adapt and update the content based on what’s changing for your organization during this time by adding announcements, new blog post updates, or pop-ups that alert visitors to the changes. 

2: You can bring your traditional marketing materials (and message) online and carry your audience from one platform to the next.

When we coordinate between channels with one specific message, a unified goal, and cohesive branding to pull it all together, our constituents will take notice and we’ll start to set ourselves apart from the crowd. Remember, we’re not just asking for money all the time — we’re asking for someone to come alongside us and help us solve a problem.

✅Make a list of all the current marketing materials you use that are not online. This could be brochures, annual reports, newsletters, etc. This should also include events you host or produce. 

✅Now, how can you incorporate those (or some part of them) into your website? 

  • Can you use the text from your brochure to update your website? 

  • Can you post the annual report on your website and write a few short paragraphs that talk about the highlights of the report? 

  • Can you turn your print newsletters into blog posts? 

  • What parts of your event can you bring online? Can you add online registration? Can you post an event recap on your website? Can you collect emails at the event and send a link to the recap page after the event?  

This is the easiest way to create website content - simply reuse what you have already done and adapt it to fit the online space! Don’t forget to provide users with a great online experience by uploading documents in a PDF for easy viewing. And, use as much actual text on the website as you can (versus posting a link to the document or a photo of something) so Google can read all those keywords!

3: You can leverage your social media outreach to move followers from social media to your website (and fix the relationship once and for all).

I bet you didn’t know you were going to get relationship advice here, huh? This is one of the questions I get asked the most -- should we put our social media feeds on our website? 

My answer: Social media feeds?  No. Social media links? Yes. 

Right now, social media is crowded. I’ve never seen this much content from people. It’s great that we have these tools when information is king but it also gets really hard to get your own message across when you’re competing with everyone else. 

In digital marketing, the goal of our social media accounts is typically very different than the goal of our website. We want our social media channels to help us spread awareness of our nonprofits, to recognize key players in our success (volunteers, donors, staff, etc.) and to have a two-way conversation with our people. That’s why we hear so much about social media engagement -- it’s not designed to be a one-way conversation. I also see nonprofits getting caught up in the “like and follow” game where they put a big emphasis on how many likes their page has. And while yes, more likes can mean more people see our message (algorithms be damned), those likes do not necessarily translate into results for our nonprofit. We don’t know for sure that those likes are from people most likely to help us with time or money. 

But with our websites, the goal is very different. This is where we want our audience to do something that moves our mission forward. We want them to donate. We want them to sign up to volunteer. We want them to commit to something. So if we’re using our precious website real estate to show them a social media feed and distract them from the reason they came to the site in the first place, we’re not making any progress toward our goal. 

The idea here is to use our social media to drive people to our website. Once they are there, we can give them even more great information. Continue a story we started on a Facebook post, lead them to an event registration page we posted on Twitter, or help them get directly to our online giving page where they can donate securely (and through our own platform). 

Don’t forget to consider how those links you post on social media appear! You can read this post about social media link previews to help.

4: You can use analytics to better understand your audience and give them more of what they want.

If you have ever advertised on a billboard, radio, or television, you know it’s really hard to track the return on that investment. Sure, the company can give you some demographic information about viewers, traffic, and what they think people are watching and listening to but it’s pretty difficult to know for sure. With social media, we can get really quick statistics on how many saw our posts, who reacted, who followed a link, etc. and switch gears pretty fast. 

But with our website, we hit the jackpot in terms of having solid data to better understand our audience, what they want, and what they’re doing once they land on our website. For example, I can tell you that the majority of my website traffic right now comes into my free Resource Library page, clicks on an average of 2.5 links, and then checks out my About page

What do I do with that information? I make sure my most important information for new visitors is on both of those pages. There’s no sense for me to be spending hours updating my services page when those get very little action most of the time. I’m using hard data to make business decisions that impact my bottom line. 

Nonprofits need to be doing the same thing. Google Analytics is free (watch my tutorial video for how to set it up on your site) so there’s no reason not to use it. While the dashboard can be a little daunting at first, it’s important to focus on the following metrics and insights regardless of your overall website goals:

Conversion rates -- how many people perform the action you want them to compared to your total number of unique visitors. For example, if your primary goal on your website is to raise more money via online gifts, your conversion rate will track online donations vs. unique visitors. 

Unique visitors -- how many unique visitors do you have for a specific time period. 

Time spent on site -- one of the big factors Google uses to decide where you land on the search results page is how long visitors have spent on your website. When this number steadily increases, Google knows your visitors are finding valuable content from you and answers to their questions. 

If your website objectives center around raising more money via online donations, other metrics to measure might include:

  • Increase referral traffic

  • Decrease bounce rates

  • Increase email subscribers

  • Achieve higher SEO rankings for your top keywords

If your website objectives center around building credibility, awareness of your programs, increasing efficiencies, or simply providing information, other metrics to measure might include: 

  • Growing traffic to your blog

  • Increasing the number of backlinks to your website

  • Increasing the time spent on your site

Setting goals and tracking your progress doesn't have to be difficult or scary - it just has to be intentional. And, you have to start in the right place, which means having the right goals from the very beginning.

You can use my free goal-setting guide to get you started. The guide will walk you through 

  • Four questions to ask before you set your goals

  • How to choose specific goals

  • Important terms to know

  • Setting your first goals and planning how to measure them

Before you know it, you'll be on pace to blowing those goals away and setting new ones! Best of all, you'll be maximizing your reach and impact and sharing what you do with those who need it most.

5: You can use your website to grow your email list and benefit from more targeted outreach.

Email has been around since the early to mid-90s and although we’ve come a long way since that “you’ve got mail” time period, email remains one of the primary ways we communicate every single day. 

Did you know?

  • 99% of us check email every day

  • Emails reach most of the people they’re intended for (unlike many other tools we have available to use)

  • ROI of email marketing is 28.5% better than direct mail

 But, it’s not all great news! 53% of consumers say they get too many irrelevant emails from brands. And, our email platforms make it easy to get rid of emails fast (swipe to delete, unsubscribe, report as spam, etc.)

So how do we get more emails to take advantage of this marketing tool? We use our website to build the case as to why someone should trust us enough to let us in their inbox.  And this goes beyond asking people to subscribe to our newsletter (which is very ineffective, by the way). We need to give them a reason to subscribe -- what will we deliver that’s of value to them? 

One way is to create something free you can give away in exchange for their email address. This is easier for businesses (hello promo codes and free shipping offers) but it’s not impossible for nonprofits. I have a free resource you can download with opt-in ideas right here >>> Opt-In Ideas for nonprofits

Or, you can use your opt-in form to make the case as to why someone should trust you and subscribe. If you go back to my home page, you’ll see how I’ve done this right at the top of the page. (Did you get this awesome guide by the way?

Many nonprofits hold back on using email because they don’t think their list is big enough to matter. I wholeheartedly disagree. It’s better to have a smaller email list full of people who want to hear from you regularly than a big list of people who are not engaged and have no intention of supporting your organization. Plus, I bet if you start with adding your board members, regular volunteers, staff, corporate partners, etc. you have a pretty decent list already (be sure to always ask permission before adding someone to your list). 

Once you have a solid email list (remember, small is fine), you’ll need to 

✅Understand and plan for how emails fit into your overall marketing strategy

✅Carefully plan your email messages and schedule them to stay consistent

✅Decide which metrics matter and measure them regularly

And keep in mind, an unsubscribe is not the worst thing in the world. If someone unsubscribes, don’t sweat it. You can check out the Free Resource Library for more email-related resources, too.

My biggest advice to nonprofits right now is to not panic. I know that’s easier said than done but it’s critical that we take the long-view in this situation. Your community needs you and the work you do, and if you panic and make rash decisions, you’re likely to jeopardize your sustainability. Do what you know how to do. Reach out personally to your loyal donors and have conversations about what you need and how they can help. Be strategic about what you do now - not everything that was canceled has to be replaced. And of course, use that beautiful website of yours to keep sharing the incredible work you’re doing.

Until next time, keep making a great first impression online,


P.S. One way you can save time and eliminate some stress is by using the templates in my Nonprofit Template Shop. If you’re a nonprofit and need help creating marketing materials that will set your nonprofit apart but lack the time or design skills, there’s a template to help you. Plus, you can use the promo code BLOG to save $5 on any purchase of $19 or more.

Guest author bio:

Andrea Shirey is a nonprofit executive and experienced fundraiser turned website designer and online marketing guru for nonprofits. She helps nonprofits grow their impact and reach more people without breaking the budget. And, she teaches clients big and small about how to use digital marketing tools without being intimidated by technology. Andrea recently launched the Nonprofit Template Shop to help nonprofits create affordable marketing materials with less stress! You can see more of what Andrea has to offer nonprofits at oneninedesign.net

FREE Webinar: Managing the Virtual Board Meeting

Do you want to improve the effectiveness and productivity of your team's next virtual Board meeting? Join me on April 30 at 1pm for a FREE webinar in partnership with Dennis C Miller entitled

"Managing the Virtual Board Meeting: Board Leadership During a Time of Crisis."

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4 Lessons Learned From the Paycheck Protection Program (So Far!)

Over the past few weeks, I have advised many nonprofit leaders as they considered and applied for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) created by the CARES Act. As a newly created forgivable loan program, we have all learned a great deal during this process. With the announcement from the Small Business Administration (SBA) that appropriated funds for the program have been exhausted, I thought it would be a good time to pause and reflect on lessons learned so far from the PPP process that might help nonprofits if and when the program reopens.

1 Prepare.

The single most important factor in getting nonprofits approved under the PPP in a timely fashion is preparation. While the PPP application itself is straightforward, and can be completed online in a matter of minutes, preparing to file the application requires the gathering of appropriate documentation, and attention to detail. Nonprofit leaders should ensure they have the following supporting documentation when applying (where available):

  • Salary and Wage Information:

    • Company w-2s, quarterly form 941 filings, or payroll company reports

    • Employer Tax Contributions: Forms or payroll reports documenting employer state and local tax contributions

    • Employer Benefit Contributions: Group health insurance plan invoices Retirement plan contribution reports

2. Obtain Board Approval.

At its most basic level, the PPP is a loan program from the federal government administered through individual banks. While the program provides opportunities for all or a portion of the loan amount to be forgiven, nonprofits must understand and accept that any portion not forgiven will be treated as a loan that must be repaid. It is recommended that nonprofit leaders secure Board approval to apply for the loan, and some banks may even request proof through a Board resolution.

3. Select your bank wisely.

There is no way to sugarcoat this -- the bank applicants choose to apply through unquestionably matters. Countless nonprofit leaders have experienced the frustration of broken online portals, lack of responsiveness, repeated requests for the same information already provided. Though it may be an overgeneralization, I have found that smaller, local banks have fared far better in submitting applications in a times fashion, securing approval, and disbursing funds than large mega-banks. Also, while many banks require the organization to have an existing banking relationship in order to apply, that is not universally the case. Banks accepting applications from non-account holders include:

Nonprofits may also consider applying through Paypal, Intuit, Square, and others.

4. Be meticulous in recordkeeping.

As mentioned earlier, the loan obtained under the PPP may be forgiven if specific conditions are met. While we know what the law says about the amounts that can be forgiven, the rules regarding the forgiveness process have yet to be published. Nevertheless, just as preparation was a key to a successful application, I fully expect meticulous recordkeeping to be a key to a successful request for loan forgiveness. Nonprofits should keep all receipts for amounts paid using loan funds, write hard checks where possible, keep all invoices, and be prepared to produce accurate payroll reports substantiating the use of the loan funds.

While we all await Congressional action relative to funding the PPP, it is my hope these tips provide guidance for you and your organization if and when the PPP again begins funding nonprofits. As always, Nielsen Training & Consulting is here to keep you informed, answer your questions, and partner with you.

Board Leadership in Challenging Times

Highly effective Boards remain informed and engaged throughout the year. However, the need for Board leaders to be appropriately engaged and active is heightened during challenging times. This webinar explores the ways in which nonprofit Boards should respond in times of crisis, such as many are experiencing now with the COVID-19 outbreak.

I recently led a free webinar entitled “Board Leadership in Challenging Times.” I am making the video recording of the webinar available below. If you have questions or would like to discuss ways to deepen the engagement and performance of your Board, let’s connect!